To Work – 175 St John Street, Place 2 Be, EC2

Status: Complete

‘’ From kitchen table to various ‘pro bono offices offered by BT since 1994 Place2Be has led the way providing school based mental health services supported by a range of professional training programmes. 

The refurbishment and well curated design was created for the charity by C3M STUDIO. 

C3M studio convinced us from the outset, that pealing back the layers of the extensively refurbished warehouse, revealing the existing beauty of concrete and steel framed building, exposing the quality of the inter war warehouse that was originally built by the Seckford Charity in 1931 was the correct approach to re-inhabiting the building. 

The new building has allowed the charity to meet the growing need that has enabled Place2Be to create not only a creative, welcoming and professional space, but also the capacity to train and support hundreds of professionals to meet the sadly growing number of vulnerable children and students whose confidence and hopes would be compromised without support. 

The thoughts and consequent design at 175 St. John street has provided the charity with a sense of well-being and determination which enables the organisation to reach more children so that they view their lives with a sense of hope.’’ 


President and Founder @Place2Be

Duchess of Cambridge at Opening Ceremony